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18.3.2011 BIOHER-CLAIH Läsnä: Jouni, Marko, Virpi ja Pauliina

Bioher/Claih-mallien yhdistäminen

  • Bioher-malli ja Claih-malli yhdistetään siten että Bioher-malli jää Claih-mallin sisään. Yhdistetty malli nimetään uusiksi (esim. joku ”terveysvaikutus-malli” tms.). Virpi päävastuussa mallin etenemisestä ja sisällöstä. Pauliina pysyy kärryllä.
  • Malli tarvitsee tarkennusta vielä kustannusten sekä päätösskenaarioiden osalta
    • selvitetään mahdollisia päättäjiä (ministeriöt?)
    • Marko käy ministeriössä syksyllä puhumassa mallista ja tarvittavista päätöksistä ja tuloksista
  • Mallin tulisi olla suht valmis siis syksyllä, jotta Markon käynti ministeriössä hyödyttäisi Bioheria(kin).
  • Pauliina yhdistää huhtikuussa lämpötiladatan sekä väestödatan (ArcGIS tai GeoDA?)
  • R:n osaamista harjoiteltava
  • R:n käyttöä osana wikiä testataan Pilttiaineistolla (Pauliina kiinnostunut opettelemaan)
    • Tavoitteena laskea PILTTI projektin kuolleisuusarviot eri sosiaaliluokille yli koko Suomen.
  • CLAIH datan soveltuvuus saantiosuus (intake fraction) laskentaan selvitetään Ilmatieteenlaitokselta

Keskustelun pohjana käytetty Analytica malli löytyy Opsnetistä:


  • Virpin rooli Minera projektissa? Voisiko hommia jotenkin jakaa?
  • Projektin vetoihmisiä tulisi jututtaa aiheesta.
  • Voisiko tämän projektin mallia tehdä R/wiki-tyyliin? (Note:menetelmälle ois hyvä keksiä nimi?)


  • Virpi lupautunut kirjoittamaan aiheesta jutun
  • Mikä olikaan aikataulu?
  • Marko ja Pauliina myös kiinnostuneet olemaan mukana (Pauliina tekee tarvittaessa GIS ajoja)

Should be done

Add your tasks here.


TODO list for rest of the year 2011 (spring, summer and autumn):

  • Updating ANA-model of Bioher. See through what have been done last year.
  • Updating opasnet pages of model (is there new ideas how to proceed?).
    • What is missing, what has to be changed, what are the similarities with other projects (e.g.Claih)
    • Do the model need more data?
    • What results we need from other subprojects?
  • What kind of results other subprojects have/will have?
    • Get on to other subprojects:
      • SP1: Heikki L.
      • SP2: Minna A?
      • SP3: Jorma M-P?
      • SP4: Maija T.
      • SP5: Taina S.
  • Research meeting of Bioher (spring 2011?)
  • Reporting (late autumn?)

Progress report

Instructions for progress report [1]

Progress report: subproject 6 (SP6)

Health and climate impacts of heat production in small municipalities (BIOHER)

Key information in the projet:

  • Decision number: 124306
  • Funding opportunity: Finnish Academy Sustainable Energy (SusEn) –research program
  • Amount of funding granted: 144 000 euros
  • Funding period: 1.1.2008-31.12.2011
  • Publication information of the project thus far:
    • Tainio M, Karvosenoja N, Porvari P, Raateland A, Tuomisto JT, Johansson M, Kukkonen J, Kupiainen K. A simple concept for GIS-based estimation of population exposure to primary fine particles from vehicular traffic and domestic wood combustion. Bor. Env. Res. 2009;14:850-860.
    • Tainio M, Sofiev M, Hujo, Tuomisto JT, Loh M, Jantunen MJ, Karppinen A, Kangas L, Karvosenoja N, Kupiainen K, Porvari P, Kukkonen J. Evaluation of the European population intake fractions for European and Finnish anthropogenic primary fine particulate matter emissions. Atm. Env. 2009;43: 3052-3059.
    • Taimisto P, Tainio M, Karvosenoja N, Kupiainen K, Porvari P, Karppinen A, Kangas L, Kukkonen J, Tuomisto JT. Evaluation of intake fractions for different subpopulations due to primary fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emitted from domestic wood combustion and traffic. AirQ. Atm. Health. Submitted.

Composition of the research team:

  • Dosentti Jouni Tuomisto, MD, PhD, SP6 –leader
  • Pauliina Taimisto (formerly Ahtoniemi), MSc, PhD student, risk assessment of residential wood combustion
  • Mikko Pohjola, MSc, PhD student, risk assessment methods
  • Marko Tainio, PhD, risk assessment of residential wood combustion
  • Pasi Sorsa, DI student, worker of master´s thesis

Description of the progress of the project (max. 2,500 characters): SP6 has developed an integrated decision analysis model based on the existing knowledge. With the model health effects and costs of different options of heating energy production can be assessed. The model includes variables with description of energy options and causal connections. In the model there will be assessed emissions of green house gases and fine particulate matter (PM2.5), exposure of population for PM2.5, and health effects and costs of different heating production options of small community (average 10 000 inh.). In creating of integrated analysis model there will be used open assessment method, that based on model construction in open network place using open participation, and existing knowledge of subprojects and other stakeholders. Due to openness model is open for external evaluation in reality time supporting to get knowledge from other participants. The model includes variables that are described in wiki pages ( Computational model is also available in the same page.

For better co-working between the subporojects the webpage with collected project material has been created.

Knowledge of other stakeholders is taken account in the integrated decision analysis model. This knowledge is modified to model from conversations or/and questionaires among other things with argumentation analysis. To get more knowledge and openness there will be arranged stakeholder meetings, where specialists and other stakeholders will be get together. The first stakeholder meeting were arranged in November 2009. A joint whole-day stakeholder workshop on the emissions, air quality and health of small-scale wood combustion together with a Tekes-funded PUPO-burn project and Motiva Oy - a state-owned expert company promoting efficient and sustainable use of energy and materials in Finland. The seminar gathered together researchers, innovators and other specialists of the same field. For the model knowledge of the seminar was collected with the questionaire.

Improvement of the model and variable will continue till the end of project by using new results and knowledge of project (other subprojects). Decisions of the model will be defined with cost-effective and cost-benefit analysis. Usability of the knowledge of questionaire and results of the argumentation analysis will be explored and knowledge of them will be merged to the model. Uncertainties will be defined and them are analysed with estimating importance of different uncertainty options in decision situations (value of information, VOI-analysis). Other stakeholder meeting will be arranged in the end of project and publication of result as scientific articles and other publications will be done in the late of project. Preresults will be publicated continuously in the net page while work is improving.

  • Links of funding now being applied for to this project (approx. one sentence) :

Knowledge relating climate change is collected in Bioher project for heating energy prduction part. Also new Opasnet- net workplace has been used in impact assessment. This knowledge and experience will be utilised incoming project.