Agile experiments of evidence-based decision making

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Identified new practices

The needs assessment (project task 2) produces information about actual needs and needers through interviews. By comparing this information to the literature review about the methods and tools of evidence-based decision making (project task 1), alternative experimental practises can be identified. The developed practices are published through the project's and its stakeholders' communication channels.

Identified new government's practises have been represented in the recent years by:

  • The diverse participation channels of the foresight report and its anticipation phase in the internet and the real world (2013-2013). The blogs of the invited editors in chief, the web-commenting of the report and the visuality of the webreport showed an example of using the opportunities of the internet.
  • The ministry of environment's and the committee of future's experiment to crowd-source the preparation for off-road traffic law (2013). The report about the method and results recommends wider use of crowd-sourcing.
  • The visualisation of the state's draft budget shows incomes and expenses in a tree shape, with the help of search and focusing functions (an experiment of the committee for future)
  • The follow-up data of the government's programme, openly published by Prime Minister's Office (2014-2015).
  • Examples of crowd-sourcing from FinICT-project

Information designer in the house

Purpose and goal

By visually representing information complicated and huge contents can be more easily taken in than the summarising of information into text. In the experiment an information designer is taken to work for limited time for a chosen organisation as a kind of support service. The goal is to find a model where the benefit of information designing for evidence-based decision making is clearly greater than the cost of the acquisition of the service / work performance and conduct of the mandate, time and expenses taken into account.

Implementation plan and further information

See the page of the information designer in the house -project (in Finnish)

Open and agile competitive bidding

The open and agile competitive bidding on the information designer service has ended 6.11.2015. Read our notification here (in Finnish). The result of the bidding will be published 1.12.2015. Read the result of the assessment here (in Finnish).

Open impact assessment

An experiment of applying the Open policy practice.

Purpose and goal

The goal is to try open assessment in organising knowledge and producing shared understanding. The topic will be some current, socially important and complex topic from it will still be possible to produce a useful synthesis in a few months.

Implementation plan and further information

The assessment is carried out in the Opasnet-web-workspace. If needed, other means of participation, like Otakantaa-pages or Hackpad. The assessment is already being sketched here (in Finnish, about immigration), but it will get its own page once the topic becomes more accurate.

Collective writing

Purpose and goal

Collective writing means the simultaneous writing of multiple writers over the internet.

In the experiment collective writing is taken into use in meeting, pair and independent work.

The goal is to contribute to the creation of shared understanding and make sharing knowledge faster.

Implementation plan and further information

See the collective writing experiment page. (in Finnish)

See also

Project topics

Project main page · Task 1. The methods and tools for evidence-based decision making · Task 2. Development needs for evidence-based decision preparation · Task 3. Agile experiments of evidence-based decision making · Task 4. Implementation plan of evidence-based policy · Task 5. The communication and working plan for Yhtakoytta-project · Task 6. The final report of Yhtakoytta-project

Methods and tools

Open policy practice · Open assessment · Open policy practice municipal pilot (in Finnish) · Assessent of environment-caused health problems (in Finnish) · Tekaisu-project · Category:Tekaisu

Publications and other things useful

Yhtäköyttä (Project introduction in Finnish) · op_fi:Avoin päätöksentekokäytäntö voisi parantaa tiedon hyödyntämistä (in Finnish) · op_fi:Ympäristö- ja terveysvaikutuksia koskeva tieto kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (in Finnish) · All pages in category Yhtakoytta

This page is produced as a part of the Finnish Government's research plan assignment in 2015 ( The producers of the information are responsible for the contents. The contents do not represent the views of the Government.

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