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- Acknowledgements is a particular discussion on the Discussion page of an object. It describes the contributions of each contributor of the object until the time when the acknowledgement is written. It also describes the resource contributors (such as research grants).
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How should the contributions of open assessors and other contributors be acknowledged in such a way that
- the process fulfils the criteria of open assessment, specifically open participation,
- the contributions are documented in a way that is accepted as a documentation of scientific merit,
- it is possible to make permanent documents out of the product and acknowledgements to be used in the same way as scientific articles?
At least the following things are inputs to the process:
- An object that has been developed.
- Information from the history of the object about who contributed and what.
- Evaluation criteria for different kinds of contributions.
The output describes who did and what in a way that is not disputed by any of the contributors.
Acknowledgements must be some kind of a statement about who did and what. Therefore, it is easiest to make it in a form of a discussion that has the acknowledgement as its statement.
Acknowledgement is a description of the cumulative work done for an object during its lifetime in Opasnet. It is located on the Talk page of the object. The statement has the following structure (example):
Fact discussion: . |
Opening statement:
Closing statement: Resolution not yet found. (A closing statement, when resolved, should be updated to the main page.) |
←--1: . I participated in discussions that clearly improved the definition. --P.P. (type: truth; paradigms: science: defence) ⇤--2: . I participated in the discussions, too. I want my name in. --S.S. (type: truth; paradigms: science: attack)