Valamo conference 2007
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December 3-5, 2007 Valamo monastery, Heinävesi, Finland
The conference theme is Environment and health - approaches to benefit-risk analysis. The conference is open to all aspects of environmental health, and it serves as a scientific forum for all the stated organizing parties.
The conference session topics are:
- Balancing risks and benefits
- Burden of disease of environmental factors
- Using epidemiology and toxicology in environmental health risk assessment
- New developments in environmental health
- Exposure analysis
Environmental health, safety, and risks are highly sensitive areas. For example, recent food crises have shown that risks related to food must be dealt with in a sophisticated and scientifically justifiable manner. There is a need for novel approaches that:
- assess both risks and benefits
- look at issues all the way from the activities to emissions to exposures to health (the full chain approach)
- address uncertainties and variability within the population
- utilise an iterative top-down approach to explore environmental health risks and benefits
- are able to directly utilise parts of previous assessment (also called collective structured learning)
- enable participation of end-users and authorities in the aim to improve the science-policy interface, and scientific and societal relevance.
Major advancements in benefit-risk analysis require highly interdisciplinary work with epidemiologists, toxicologists, nutrition scientists, exposure assessors, risk analysts, and authorities. All these disciplines are welcome to participate in the conference. We also seek participation from different parts of Europe, and from ongoing EU projects.
General information
Target group
- Students
- researchers
- experts
in the fields of
- environmental health
- public health
- nutrition
Confrerence focus
The conference is a Gordon-conference-type event, where the main emphasis is on brief stimulating presentations, active participation and discussions, and close interaction between students and experts of the field. Size
We are expecting 60-80 participants.
The conference presentations can be about benefit-risk methods, or about applying scientific information in the broad field of environmental health, public health, and nutrition. In the conference, participants will have an opportunity for an oral or poster presentation. Members of Sytyke graduate school are expected to have a presentation.
Conference fee
There is no participation fee. Bus travels from and to Kuopio will be provided free of charge. There will be a charge for accommodation; however, many participating projects are covering these costs for their own members.
Conference proceedings
There will be no proceedings. This is because we encourage free discussions even on unpublished new results.
Monday, December 3, 2007
- 8.00-9.30 Bus transportation from Kuopio research centre Neulanen, Neulaniementie 4 (via airport) to Valamo
- 9.30-10.15 Registrations to hotel, coffee
SESSION I: Balancing risks and benefits Chair: Prof.emerit. Jouko Tuomisto, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 10.15-10.25 Opening of the conference and the session, Prof.emerit. Jouko Tuomisto
- 10.25-11.10 Keynote: (EFSA view) Risks and benefits in food safety and nutrition, Dr. David Carlander (EFSA)
- 11.20-11.50 Assessing benefits and risks of fish consumption: Two approaches, Olli Leino and Anu Turunen, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 12.00-13.45 Lunch break
- 14.45-14.10 Application of Bayesian Belief Networks in the benefit-risk assessment of fish consumption in the Beneris project
Patrycja Gradowska, Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
SESSION II: Burden of disease of environmental factors
Chair: Dr. Jouni Tuomisto, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 14.20-14.25 Opening of the session, Dr. Jouni Tuomisto
- 14.25-15.05 Keynote: Using DALYs for estimating burden of disease in the Netherlands, Dr. Erik Lebret, RIVM (Netherlands)
- 15.10-15.30 Uncertainties in environmental burden of disease estimates, Anne Knol, RIVM (Netherlands)
- 15.35-15.55 Burden of cancers diseases and their environmental factors, Prof. Anssi Auvinen, University of Tampere (Finland)
- 16.00-16.30 Coffee and poster viewing
16.30-17.00 Poster presentations (Each: 3 min + 4 min discussion)
- Risk-benefit analysis for drinking water disinfection, Päivi Meriläinen, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- Levels of organotin compounds in the blood of Finnish Fishermen, Dr. Panu Rantakokko, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- Evaluation of copper and nickel exposure and risk of adverse health effects in people living near a Cu-Ni smelter in SW Finland, Virpi Kollanus, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- Neophobia in rats is an extremely sensitive endpoint of TCDD toxicity, Sanna Lensu, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 19.15- Dinner / Get-together
- 20.45- Sauna
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
- 8.00-9.00 Breakfast
SESSION III: Integrating epidemiology and toxicology in environmental health risk assessment Chair: prof. Juha Pekkanen, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 9.00-9.05 Opening of the session, Prof. Juha Pekkanen
- 9.05-9.50 Keynote: Combining epidemiology and toxicology in practical risk assessments, Prof, Dr.Med. Helmut Greim, Technische Universität München (Germany)
- 10.00-10.15 A case study of combining epidemiology and toxicology in a systematic way: TCDD-induced dental aberrations in humans and rats, Marjo Niittynen, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 10.20-10.35 Environmental metal exposure and cancer risk in the proximity of the Harjavalta Industrial Park, Kari Pasanen, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 10.40-11.10 Coffee and poster viewing
- 11.10-11.35 Applications of paradigm breaking non-targeted effects for radiation protection and risk estimates. Dr. Oleg Belyakov, STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland)
- 11.40-11.55 Risk and environmental induced germ-line epigenetic inheritance, Prof. Keith Baverstock, University of Kuopio (Finland)
- 12.00-12.25 Radionuclides from global nuclear fallout and Chernobyl accident in food and water in Finland - views on the long-term exposure assessment, Dr. Aino Rantavaara, STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland)
- 12.30-14.30 Lunch break
14.30-14.45 Poster presentations: (Each: 3 min + 4 min discussion)
- Genomic instability in C.elegans exposed to ionizing radiation, Katriina Korhonen, University of Kuopio (Finland)
- Effects of radiofrequency radiation on cellular reactive oxygen species production and glutathione levels, Anne Höytö, University of Kuopio (Finland)
SESSION IV: New developments in environmental health - Highlights from the Graduate School of Environmental Health.
Chair: Graduate student Jukka Luukkonen, University of Kuopio (Finland)
- 14.45-14.50 Opening of the session, Jukka Luukkonen
- 14.50-15.40 Keynote: Seeing the forest and the trees: a system approach to environmental health risk assessment
Ph.D., Associate director, Christopher Portier (NIEHS, USA)
- 15.50-16.05 Open participation in Environmental Health Risk Assessment, Mikko Pohjola, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 16.10-16.40 Coffee and poster viewing
- 16.40-16.55 Large-scale composting plants and odour annoyance in residential areas in Finland, Marja-Leena Aatamila, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
17.00-17.30 Poster presentations: (Each: 3 min + 4 min discussion)
- Cytotoxic and inflammatory effects of hardwood combustion particles on mouse macrophage cell line, Pasi Jalava, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- Associations between chemical composition of fine particulate matter from six European cities and inflammatory responses in mouse lung, Mikko Happo, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- Air Pollution and Total Respiratory, Pneumonia and COPD Mortality and Morbidity among Elderly, Jaana Halonen, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- Measuring mRNA expression by quantitative RT-PCR: Reproducible results require precise reverse transcription and PCR
Jere Lindén, University of Helsinki (Finland)
- Characterization of metal exposure in ecological risk assessment. Anne Holma (SYKE, Finland), Pauliina Ahtoniemi (University of Kuopio, Finland)
- 19.00- Conference dinner on Slavic style
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
- 7.30-8.30 Breakfast; check-out the rooms
SESSION V: Exposure analysis Chair: Prof. Matti Jantunen, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 8.30-8.35 Opening of the session, Prof. Matti Jantunen
- 8.35-9.20 Key note: Exposure and risk assessment of fine particles, Dr., Acting director, Linda Sheldon, U.S.EPA (USA)
- 9.30-9.55 From toxicological research of urban air particles towards wider integration and problem solving, Dr. Raimo O. Salonen, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 10.00-10.20 Coffee
- 10.20-10.35 Intake Fraction: An Emissions-to-Exposure Metric, Dr. Miranda Loh, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 10.40-10.55 Web based platform for exposure assessment: Integration of databases and exposure modeling tools, Dr. Arja Asikainen, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 11.00-11.15 Integrated risk analysis model to estimate health effects due to primary fine particle (PM2.5) emissions from different sectors, Marko Tainio, National Public Health Institute (Finland)
- 11.20-11.40 European approach to international environmental health indicators: ENHIS, Dr. Otto Hänninen, National Public Health Institute (Finland) / WHO, Regional Office for Europe (Germany)
- 11.45-12.00 Best poster award, Closing words, Prof. Matti Jantunen
- 12.00-13.00 Lunch
- 12.40-14.10 Quick minibus transportation (arrival at the Kuopio airport 13.40) for those who need to catch the flight at 14.40 from Kuopio-Helsinki.
- 13.30-15.00 Bus transportation from Valamo to Kuopio for the rest
Available presentations of the keynote lectures and STUK (FIN) and WHO
- Acting Director, Dr. Linda S. Sheldon (EPA, United States, Environmental protection agency, office of research and development): The importance of exposure in addressing current and emerging air quality issues ©
- Prof. Dr. Med. Helmut Greim (Institute of Toxicology and Environmental Hygiene Technical University Munich): Combining epidemiology and toxicology in practical risk assessments ©
- Prof. Erik Lebret (RIVM – National Institute of Public Health & the Environment, IRAS – Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences, UU): Using DALYs for estimating environmental burden of disease in the Netherlands ©
- Dr. David Carlander, Scientific Officer (Scientific Committee and Advisory Forum, EFSA): Risk-benefit assessment of food: the approach taken by EFSA ©
- Oleg V. Belyakov (STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki, Finland): Applications of paradigm breaking non-targeted effects for radiation protection and risk estimates ©
- Otto Hänninen (WHO Regional Office for Europe, Bonn, Germany): European Approach to International Environmental Health Indicators: ENHIS (C)
Confirmed keynote speakers
- Dr. Christopher Portier, NIEHS, NC personal contact details :Seeing the forest and the trees: a system approach to environmental health risk assessment
- Scientific officer, Dr. David Carlander, EFSA, European Food Safety Authority, the risk-benefit assessment working group in the unit of the Scientific Committee and Advisory Forum of EFSA's Scientific Committee EFSA: title not confirmed
- Acting Director, Dr. Linda S. Sheldon, U.S.EPA, Human Exposure and Atmospheric Sciences Division: title not confirmed
- Prof. Dr. Med. Helmut Greim, Technische Universität München: title not confirmed
- Prof. Erik Lebret, RIVM, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment: title not confirmed
Oral presentations
- Audiovisual aids include dataprojector, (allowing PowerPoint presentations), and overhead and slide projector on advance notice. The lengths of oral presentations are stated in the program. Bring your PowerPoint slideshow-update as saved in an USB mass storage device. Each presenter should be prepared to transfer her/his presentation update to the conference laptop during preceding session brakes, and for the first session immediately after the registration. It is also possible to send your presentation in advance to Anna Karjalainen, via email but no later than 29th November.
- Please remember that the participants represent different fields of environmental research. Therefore, avoid irrelevant details and too specialized words in your presentation. Illustrate and give examples. This is important.
Poster presentations
- Max. size of the posters is 1.8 m (height) x 1.3 m (width). Posters can be fastened with two-sided tapes provided by the conference secretary Sanna-Maria Jokinen at the registration.
- Authors are requested to give a short presentation (ca. 3 min) of their posters. Please, prepare one to three ppt-slides showing the main points of your poster. There is time for a few short questions. Also the author has a possibility to ask questions/advice from the audience!
- The best poster will be awarded.
Conference site
The conference centre is located in a countryside, at about 100 km distance from Kuopio in the eastern part of Finland. The venue has an exotic atmosphere of an orthodox monastery.
More information about the Valamo monastery
Bus transportation is arranged for the participants from Kuopio to Valamo.
The bus schedule is aimed as follows:
Main bus transportation: Monday, 3 Sept departure at 8.00 from Research centre Neulanen, Neulaniementie 4 - arrival to Valamo ca. 9.30 Wednesday, 5 Sept departure 13.30 Valamo - arrival to Kuopio ca.15.00
Minibus (for those who need to catch the Kuopio-Helsinki flight at 14.40 pm): Monday, 3 Sept departure 8.10 from hotel Scandic to Valamo monastery Wednesday, 5 Sept departure from Valamo 12.40 sharply to the Kuopio airport. The minibuss will continue to hotel Scandic.
There are no daily bus service between Kuopio and Valamo
There is a bus from Helsinki to Valamo daily. (Departure from HKI at 8.30, arrival to Valamo at 14.30).
Participants will be accommodated in the hotel of the Monastery. Organizers will take care of the room reservations.
Because only a limited number of single rooms are available, participants will be allocated mostly shared accommodation. If you have any wishes with whom you like to share the room, please inform the conference secretary Sanna-Maria Jokinen, Also, inform her if you don't need accommodation (IMPORTANT!) or if for any reason, you just cannot stay for the whole time.
Special diets can be arranged with advance notice to the conference secretary Sanna-Maria Jokinen, (all meals are low-lactose).
Organizers - contact address
The conference is organized in collaboration with:
- National Public Health Institute, Department of Environmental Health
- Centre for Environmental Health Risk Analysis in KTL nominated for the years 2002-2007 by the Academy of Finland
- Beneris project (Benefit-Risk Assessment for Food: an Iterative Value-of-Information Approach)
- Qalibra project (Quality of life - integrated benefit and risk analysis)
- [ Sytyke] -Graduate School of Environmental Health, 2006-2009
- Environmental Risk Assessment Centre (ERAC)
Key words