1 1 2 0 Sin and mercy ktluser 1. Marta 2009 11:27 ktluser 1. Marta 2009 16:39 48,24 1,1,7,601,415,17 Arial, 15 0,Model Sin_and_mercy,2,2,0,1,C:\temp\Sin and mercy.ANA Self-image Perception_of_guilt 200,112,1 48,24 I: Bad deeds, sins Self_image 128,200,1 48,24 Perception of guilt dynamic(0,I__bad_deeds__sins[time-1]+ You__mercy[time-1]) 56,112,1 48,24 I: Regret Self_image 200,40,1 48,24 You: Mercy I__regret 56,40,1 48,24 I: Deeds in the society Self_image 320,200,1 48,24 Personal happiness Self_image; I__deeds_in_the_soci 320,112,1 48,24 Societal happiness I__deeds_in_the_soci; Personal_happiness 432,112,1 48,24